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2025年02月16日 星期天


  • V-05SCF1-TX M81X25G4L

  • 更新时间:2025-02-16
  • 联系方式

    18059111782  /  0591-62182535

    小魏 女士

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V-05SCF1-TX M81X25G4L
V-05SCF1-TX M81X25G4L
V-05SCF1-TX M81X25G4L





马达、 内存卡、 电源,机器人备件等)各类工控产品


GE:IC693  IC695  IC697系列 

Schneider(施耐德):140  TSX 系列 

Siemens 6DD,6FC,6SN,6FC,6S5系列,Foxboro系统卡件,



North Atlantic Industries Circuit Board - 75DS1-02CSFA-01

NTN 14" Vibratory Feeder System - K-EB777 - N25

N-Tron Industrial 8 Port Ethernet Switch - 708TX

Numatics Linear Slide Cylinder - SH10604LB16DS4 - 1062D01-04A-03

Numatics Sentronic ISO Sandwich - 6082B2311

Numatics Solenoid Valve - 554SS500K000030

OHAUS AX324 Analytical Digital Balance Scale, 320 g Capacity

Ohio Gear Unline 2000 Gear Box U2133MQ56

Ohtake Root Vibratory Screw Feeder - NSRI

OK Industries BGA 2000 Main Controller - BGA-2000

OK Industries FD1000 Fluid Dispenser

Okaya Noise Filter - 3SUP-HL50-ER-6B - N2633SUP-111

ONO SOKKI 6 Unit Power Supply PS-5506 with SR-1220 Mic Amp Installed

Ono Sokki 64 Bit DI Board - 94MR010B - 94MR101B

Ono Sokki Circuit Board - 90T002

Ono Sokki Circuit Board - 94TR009A

Ono Sokki Circuit Board - 97TR010B

Ono Sokki Circuit Board - 97TR016C

Ono Sokki CPU 8086 Board - 94MR028B

ONO SOKKI Digital Torque Meter Model TS-3600B

Ono Sokki Microphone Preamplifier Model MI-3220

Ono Sokki Optical Detector - LG-9200

Ono Sokki Rom Ram Board For 8086 CPU - 94TR029B

Ono Sokki Torque Detector SS Series - SS-005

OPT Controller Box with 2 LED Lights - OPT-DCA24E-4 - OPT-LXT90221-B

OPT Digital Intensity Controller - 0PT-DP1012-200

OPT Digital Intensity Controller - OPT-DK24-4

OPT Digital Intensity Controller - OPT-DP1024-100

OPT Laser Light Intensity Digital Controller - OPT-DP1012-200

Opt LED Light Unit - OPT-CTD60-W

Opt LED Light Unit - OPT-ULI250D-V2-W

Opt LED Light Unit - OPT-ZVN80-R

Optex Thermo Hunter - BA-06TA

Optimised Control Servo Amplifier - EAP001-501

OPTO 22 G-18 Channel I/O Module Rack - PB8 - 205172-31

OPTO 22 RS-232 Communication Module - SNAP-SCM-232

OPTO 22 Snap Ethernet Serial I/O - SNAP-B3000-ENET

Optotune Tunable Lens w/ Attachment - EL-10-30-C - AEAE3635

Orbotech AOI Power Supply - 052252

Orbotech Control Board - CONT80FL03 - 0382422A-F

Orbotech Control Board - VTHAND2B

Orbotech Illumination Control Assembly Card - 0349141H-F

Orbotech Lighting Driver Card - IF7080.1

Orbotech PCI Motor Controller Board - 0355459B-F

Orbotech Populated PCB - MOTO80A.01 - 300.01.08042

Orbotech RGB LED Driver Board - 0380600B

Orbotech Slant Illumination Unit - 0381407A-F

Orbotech Symbion P36 Optical Calibration Target - 0379556B

Oregon Micro Systems Control Board - SRX-SPC0004 - SRX SPC0004

Orion Dry Pump - KRF15A - KRF15A-V-01

Orion Dry Pump Vacuum - KHA400-DV-7551

Orion Dry Vacuum Pump - KHA400A-303-G1

Orion Dry-Pump Vacuum Pump Assembly - KD751-307-G - H5446X

Orion Vacuum Pump Dry-Pump - KHA400-315-G1-KG556 - AEMFBH4PH051

Orion Vacuum Pump Dry-Pump - KHA750A - H5447W

Oven Industries Thermocouple Thermoelectric Module - 5C7-388

PACE 1121-0939-P5 Soldering Tips (5)

Pace Desoldering Station - ST-65

Pace Digital Desoldering Station - 7008-0318-01 - WJS100

Pace MDT PPS 80 PPS80 Soldering Desoldering Station

Pace Soldering Station - MBT201SD - 7008-0209-01

Pacific Scientific 1.8 Step Motor - H32NRFP-LNN-NS-00 MPM Speedline 1003318

Pacific Scientific 1.8 Step Motor - P22NSHS-LNN-NS-02 - 1003909-2

Pacific Scientific Brushless Servo Drive - PC834-106-N - 49706202

Pacific Scientific Brushless Servo Drive - PC834-107-N - 49706302

Pacific Scientific Brushless Servo Motor - R46SSNA-SS-NS-NV-02

Pacific Scientific Brushless Servo Motor R33SSNC-SS-NS-NV-02

Pacific Scientific Digital DC Servo Motor 4VM82-008-4

Pacific Scientific Indexer - 5240

Pacific Scientific Low Inergia Servo Motor - 45VM62-000-4 - 40897301

Pacific Scientific Motor - 33VM52-000-20

Pacific Scientific Motor Driver Controller - 5410-002 - P0878

Pacific Scientific Motor Driver Controller - 5410-012 - P2282

Pacific Scientific PowerMax 1.8 Stepper Motor - 07-0706-00A

Pacific Scientific PowerMax 1.8 Stepper Motor - M22NSHB-LNN-NS-02

Pacific Scientific PowerMax 1.8 Stepper Motor - M22NSLB-LNN-NS-02

Pacific Scientific PowerMax 1.8 Stepper Motor - P22NSXA-LNF-NS-02

Pacific Scientific Powermax Step Motor - P2HNSXB-LNN-NS-02

Pacific Scientific Servo Disc Motor - 33VM62-000-17 - 40976401

Pacific Scientific Servo Motor - PMA22B-01100-00

Pacific Scientific SigMax 1.8 Stepper Motor - E32NRHP-LNN-NS-00

Pack Driver Stepping Motor Driver - AK-BX551PV

Pack Driver Stepping Motor Driver - AK-BX551V

Pack Driver Stepping Motor Driver - AK-X120V

Pack Driver Stepping Motor Driver 116513-13

Palomar Products Benchtop Microweld Head Model VTA-96

Panadac 337E Motor Driver - Panadac-337E-V21-E

Panadac 337J Motor Driver - Panadac-337J - P337J





  • 联系人: 小魏 女士
  • 话: 0591-62182535
  • 机: 18059111782
  • 真: 0591-62182535



  • 资质公示 福州卓凯电子科技有限公司 地址: 福建省 福州市 福建省福州市闽侯县甘蔗闽商财富中心1806室
  • 管理入口  技术支持:世铝网 长江有色
  • 福州卓凯