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2025年03月23日 星期天


  • A172SENC

  • 更新时间:2025-03-23
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    18059111782  /  0591-62182535

    小魏 女士

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一、摘要 PLC是一种专门在工业环境下应用而设计的数字运算操作的电子装置。







Potter & Brumfield PR7DY 1 HP 12 VDC Relay

Potter & Brumfield PRD-11AY0-120 120 VAC Relay PRD11AY0120

Potter & Brumfield SSRT-120D10 Solid State Relay 3-32 VDC SSRT120D10 (TB)

Potter & Brumfield SSRT-120D25 Solid State Relay 3-32 VDC SSRT120D25 (TB)

Potter & Brumfield SSRT-240D10 Solid State Relay 3-32 VDC SSRT240D10

Potter & Brumfield SSRT-240D25 Solid State Relay 3-32 VDC SSRT240D25

Potter & Brumfield W58-XB1A4A-5 Tyco 5 Amp 250 VAC Thermal Circuit Breaker

Potter & Brumfield W92-X112-30 Tyco 30 Amp 277 VAC 2 Pole Circuit Breaker

Power One Condor HB12-1.7-A+ 12 VDC 1.7 Amp Power Supply HB1217A

Power One Condor HB15-1.5-A 15 VDC 1.5 Amp Power Supply HB1515A

Power One Condor HB24-1.2-A+ 24 VDC 1.2 Amp Power Supply HB2412A+

Power One Condor HD24-4.8-A+ 24 VDC 4.8 Amp Power Supply HD2448A+

Power One Condor HDCC-150W-A 5/+-12/+-15 VDC Power Supply HDCC150WA

Power One HA24-0.5-A 24 VDC 0.5 Amp Power Supply HA2405A

Power One HAA15-0.8-A 12/15/-5 VDC 1/0.8/0.4 Amp Power Supply HAA150.8A HAA1508A

Power One HB5-3/OVP-A 5 VDC 3 Amp Power Supply HB53OVPA

Power One HBB512-A 5/12-15 VDC 3/1.2 Amp Power Supply HBB512A

Power One HC24-2.4-A 24 VDC 2.4 Amp Power Supply HC2424A

Power One HC5-503 5 VDC 6 Amp Power Supply HC5503 HC 5-503

Power One HCC15-503 +-12/15 VDC 3.4/3 Amp Power Supply HCC15503

Power One HD24-4.8-A 24 VDC 4.8 Amp Power Supply HD2448A

Power One HDD15-502 +-12/15 VDC 5 Amp Power Supply HDD15502

Power One MAP130-1024 24 VDC 6.25 Amp Power Supply MAP1301024

Power One SPL130-1005 Power Supply SPL1301005

Power Technology Inc PPM22(690) Laser Product

Powerex LD431843 SCR Module 27999-02673 Y 0543 FF 111282

Powerstat 116CU Variable Autotransformer 1 PH 120 V In 0-140 V Out 10 Amp

Powertran F480P1500 Transformer 1500 VA 1.5 KVA Single Phase Power tran

Powertran PT102-500 Transformer 500 VA .5 KVA Single Phase PT102500 Power tran

Powertran PT16-500 Transformer 500 VA .5 KVA Single Phase PT16500 Power tran

Powertran PTN102-1K Transformer 1000 VA 1 KVA Single Phase PTN1021K Power tran

Precision Micro Control DCX-MC260 Stepper Motor Control Module PMC DCXMC260

Precision Micro Control DCX-MC510 Analog Input Module PMC DCXMC510

Precision Micro Control DCX-PC100 Motion Control Mother Board PMC DCXPC100

Preco MP2G Stepper Board MP2

Preco MP51A Stepper Board MP51

Presa Sicury 3352Q 2X10/16A+T

Pressotechnik S1.100.12 US Pneumatic Cylinder S1.100.12US S110012 S110012US

Pro-Face AGP3200-T1-D24 24 VDC HMI Touch Screen Panel 3580205-04 AGP3200T1D24

Proportion Air BB1ME100 Electro Pneumatic Pressure Regulator (TSC)

Protection Controls 7256 ACF Relay SS100A SS 100 A SS3CP Protectofier 117 VAC

Protection Controls 7658 ACF Relay DP100 SS4CP 117 VAC Power Delay Pak LR100

Protection Controls ACF Relay 115 VAC (TB)

Protection Controls SS100A SS 100 A Flame Pak

PSC Sick LazerData LD90010 Series 9000 Barcode Scanner Decoder

PSC Sick LazerData LD90010E Series 9000 Barcode Scanner Decoder

Psytronics P1301 Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor 120 VAC

Puls SL10.100 24 VDC 10 Amp Power Supply Protocol Power Products SL10100 SL10

Puls SL10.300 24 VDC 10 Amp Power Supply 3 Phase 400-500 V Input SL10300 SL10

Puls SL20.310 24 VDC 20 Amp Power Supply 3 Phase 400-500 V Input SL20310 SL20

Puls SL30.300 24 VDC 30 Amp Power Supply 3 Phase 400-500 V Input SL30300 SL30

Pyro Matic K0EXT-S-F052B Thermocouple 13503 K0EXTSF052B (TB)

Pyro Matic MDK0U-EJ12A-00-F020Q Thermocouple 13503 MDK0UEJ12A00F020Q  (TB)

Pyromation R1T185L483-004-00-13-T3120-2 RTD R1T185L4830040013T31202  (TB)

Pyromation R1T185L483-004-00-18-T3J024-0 RTD R1T185L4830040018T3J0240

Pyromation R5T185L483-04-CIP-1-5-63 RTD Thermocouple R5T185L48304CIP1563

Pyromation RBF185L383-003-00-19-T3M240-2 RTD RBF185L3830030019T3M2402

Pyromation RBF185L483-HT-0304-18RD-63-T440-385U-S(0-100)C RTD Thermocouple

QC180 E05-H00H 110/120 VAC Solenoid E05H00H

QM Bearings Timken QF25SPCOVER Quick Flex  (TB)

Quality Feeders Inc. Vibratory Bowl Hopper Controller Assembly

Quarz Hour Meter 10-80 V

R.E. Smith DIACR44 Dual Isolated Fast Automatic Repeater for 4-Wire RS422 R485

RAAS C&S RB2-BE-101 Key Selector Switch RB2BE101

RAAS C&S RB2-BE-102 2 Position Maintained Selector Switch RB2BE102

Radnor 1/8 x 7 Inches Ground Finish Pure Tungsten Electrode  (TB)

Radnor 64001953 5/32 x 7 Inches Ground Finish Pure Tungsten Electrode  (TB)

Ram Meter 2CT130 Current Transformer 30:5 25-400 Hz 2 VA Midwest Electric

Ramsey Autocheck 8000 D07110A-E004 E001 E003 Display Board

Ramsey Autocheck 8000 ESSEGI 293 100420 Controller Processor Board

Ramsey Autocheck AC8000 D07110A-E011 E013 E014 A/D Board

Ranco 010-1402-000 Pressure Control 010-1402 0101402000

Rapistan Systems F002700042 SW/ Filter Assembly

Rapistan Systems F002700103AD SW/ Filter Assembly F002700103

Rapistan Systems F002700103AE SW/ Filter Assembly F002700103

Rapistan Systems F002700123A Dual Servo Interface Board F002700123

Rapistan Systems F0027-00124A Servo Interface Board F002700124A

Rara ULV150 75 Ohms 150 Watt Braking Resistor 2500V J

Raytek RAYET2LTSFJWC Thermopile Sensor

RCD Componets CF12-302-JT 3K Ohm 5% T&R Resistor Lot 5000 CF12302JT  (TB)

RCU IS-60T Remote Relay Board IS60T

RDI 2M34FC Interface Terminal Block 620-0999 Rev. 2 6200999

RE Technologies UCP-522 Electronic to Pneumatic Transducer UCO-43 UCO43 UCP522

Recoil 73122 Thread Locking Insert Internal Thread 3/4-10 " External 1-1/8 - 12"

Red Dot D2CCB Blank Cover Plate

Red Lion Controls 4601200 5 to 28 VDC Encoder

Red Lion Controls aPLPT400 Process Time Display Unit APLPT4

Red Lion Controls APLR0600 Display Unit APLR





  • 联系人: 小魏 女士
  • 话: 0591-62182535
  • 机: 18059111782
  • 真: 0591-62182535



  • 资质公示 福州卓凯电子科技有限公司 地址: 福建省 福州市 福建省福州市闽侯县甘蔗闽商财富中心1806室
  • 管理入口  技术支持:世铝网 长江有色
  • 福州卓凯