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2025年03月26日 星期三


  • SA86237 Rev.E

  • 更新时间:2025-03-26
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    18059111782  /  0591-62182535

    小魏 女士

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SA86237 Rev.E
SA86237 Rev.E
SA86237 Rev.E





马达、 内存卡、 电源,机器人备件等)各类工控产品


GE:IC693  IC695  IC697系列 

Schneider(施耐德):140  TSX 系列 

Siemens 6DD,6FC,6SN,6FC,6S5系列,Foxboro系统卡件,



Artech Systems C35-SD-1, Artech Systems 36646 Ultrasonic Sensor

Artis TSS-PWK4-AC Tool Supervisor System

Asm Sensor PRD27 Magnetic Angle Sensor Asm Posirot PRDS27-CANOP-KAB0, 49 2/12ft

ASM Sensor PRD27 Magnetic Angle Sensor ASM Posirot PRDS27-CANOP-KAB0.15M

ASM WS7.3-20000-CE65-SB1-SAB2-KAST Position Sensor Measuring Length 20000mm

ASM WS7.3-20000-CE65-SB1-SAB2-KAST Positions Sensor Measuring Length

aSpect Systems idflex 1214 201209001 Process Module Control Module

aSpect Systems Idflex 1214 201209001 Process Module Control Unit Module

aSpect Systems idFlex 1214201308003 Process Module Monitoring Control Module

AST Gag1 Kh1, 2 Control Module Plug-In

AST GAG1 KH1.2 control module rack-mounted module

Asus P/ I-p55t2p4 Rev.3.10 Motherboard +CPU + Laser Printer Memory Module 1032S

ASUS P/I-P55T2P4 REV.3.10 Motherboard + CPU + Laser Printer Memory Module 1032S

Atas Nachod ER5Kd371 Encoder Atas ER5Kd371

ATB Flender OM309.02S Frequency Converter Out 9A 400Hz 3x0-380V 787414

ATB Flender OM309.02S Frequency Inverter Out 9A 400Hz 3x0-380V ATB Flender 787414

Atech Motor Drive Cfr 24V Dc 1,2 Kw + Tekno TU1012030 + Lenze Brake

Atek Sl 050 10/1 Angle Gear I=10:1 Bohung 0 3/4in Shaft 0 31/32in

ATEK SL 050 10/1 Angle Transmission i = 10:1 Bohung 19mm Shaft 25mm

Atek SL063 05:1 CL1 Reducing Angle Transmission i 5:1

Atek SL063 Transmission 05:1 CL1 Reducer Angle Gear I 5:1

Atlanta 58 00 006 Angle Screw Transmission Ratio 39 Shaft D= 36/50mm

Atlanta 58 00 006 Winkelschneckengetriebe Ratio 39 Shaft D=0 1/8in

Atlanta Transmission 58 44 120 I = 19,5 P=1,28kW N=1500U / Min

Atlanta Transmission 58 44 120 I=19,5 N=1500 And / Min P=1,28 Kw

Atlanta Transmission 58 44 120 i=19.5 n=1500 rpm P=1.28 kW

Atlanta Transmission 58 44 120 i=19.5D=1.28kW n=1500RPM

Atlas Copco 4230 1704 81, BSM 2260C-R4.3 Electric Screwdriver 3/4", QRT 38050+ QMR

Atlas Copco 4230 1704 81, Bsm 2260C-R4.3 Electric Screws 3/4 ", Qrt 38050+ Qmr

Atlas Copco 42301220, Permanent Magnet Motor 48VDC, 6000rpm

Atlas Copco 42301220, Permanent Magnetic Motor 48VDC, 6000rpm !!

Atlas Copco 4240 5002 00, Atlas Copco Controller

Atlas Copco 4240 5002 00, Controller

Atlas Copco 4240 5002 01, Atlas Copco Controller

Atlas Copco 4240 5002 01, Controller

Atlas Copco 8102043620 - 16138913 Atlas Copco EWD50L Condensate Conductor 230VAC

Atlas Copco 8102043620 - 1613891313 EWD50L Condensate/Drainer 230VAC

Atlas Copco 8433 1020 NN Tool Location System Atlas Copco TLS Sensor U1-NN

Atlas Copco 8433 1020 Nn Tool Location System TLS Sensor U1-NN

Atlas Copco BSM 2260C-R4.3 Electric Screwdriver 3/4", QRT 38050-O+ QMR42-25-R O T

Atlas Copco Bsm 2260C-R4.3 Electric Screws 3/4 ", Qrt 38050-O+QMR42-25- R O T

Atlas Copco Controls Assembly Systems, QCS2-T 34015, Part No: 4240 0369 81

Atlas Copco Controls Field Assembly Systems, QCS2-T 340 25, Part No:

Atlas Copco Controls Field Assembly Systems, QCS2-T 340 25,Part No: 4240 0370 81

Atlas Copco Controls Field Bus Unit Part No.: 4240 0355 80

Atlas Copco Controls Field Bus Unit Part No: 4240 0355 80

Atlas Copco Controls QCM2-T 34015 Part No.: 4240 0366 82

Atlas Copco Controls QCM2-T 34015 Part No: 4240 0366 82

Atlas Copco Controls QCS2-T 34015, Modif. 4240 0369 82, Part No.: 4240 0369 81

Atlas Copco Controls QCS2-T 34015, Modified. 4240 0369 82, Part No: 81

Atlas Copco Tensor Focus 2101 R, No. 8092112602

Atlas Copco Tensor Focus 2101-R, No. 8092112602

ATN automation technology Niemeier DVS-EG, ATN dispensing control

ATN Automation Technology Niemeier Dvs-Eg, ATN Dispensing Controls

ATN Niemeier IL-S-R Control Module Induction 24VDC ATN Automation Technology

ATS Tanner Banding Ultra-sonic 2000, Ats Unique Bandig, 110VAC, Nennabgabe 39kHz

ATS Tanner Banding Ultra-Sonic 2000, ATS Unique Bandig, 110VAC, Nominal Dispense 39kHz

ATV 15075 M0 Telemechanics, Altivar 5 Telemechanics

AU Optronics G150X G01 Touch Panel Display TFT 15 " Version 0

AU Optronics G150X G01 Touch Panel Display TFT 15" Version 0

AU Optronics M170EG01 Display + GH140A Inverter + Touch Scren Board 04037721/1

AU Optronics M170EG01 Display+Inverter GH140A+Touchscreen Platine 04037721/1

Autogard 6550 Controller, CS-27- V3.00 + Module IN/Out American Autogard

Autogard 6550 Controller, CS-27-V3.00 +Modules in/out American Autogard

Automata 70030210 Vmebus INTERBUS-S-OPTO 18-21-41-00

Automation W+R Autoflux Cracklight 169.1oz230AC With Lamp

Automation W+R Autoflux Cracklight 5L230AC with Lamp

Avl 212013.8oz10 Emcon Strip1 8D I/O Control Relay Platine Avl 9779 Jdja /88066

Avl 6260.19 Control Module Avl F-Fem-Dio

AVL 6260.19 Control Module Rev. 01 24Volt DC AVL F-FEM-DIO

Avl 6260.19 Control Module Rev.01 24Volt Dc Avl F-Fem-Dio

AVL 6260.29 Control Module Controller AVL BASE-FEM-CON

Avl 6260.29 Control Module Controller Avl Basis-Fem

AVL 6270L10 Emcon Strip1 8D I/O Control Relay Board AVL 9779 JDJA / 88066

AXIOMTEK SBC8260 REV.A6 Industrial Motherboard + KVR133X64C3/64 4X64Mb Memory

AXIOMTEK Sbc8260 Rev.A6 Industrial Motherboard + RAM KVR133X64C3/64 4X64Mb RAM

B+M process technology Art. No. 04-L-37-M-S-08, B+M R00030, BM teaching counterpart PS1

B+M Verfahrenstechnik 04-L-37-M-S-08, B+M R00030, Bm Teach Pendant PS1

Baasel COMP 2 Power Supply FPM 15 Kneel FPM 15 Kneel 355-034-04

Baasel Comp 2 Power Supply Fpm 15 Kniel 355-034-04

Baasel Laser Art MSP5 Control Board Microsys Baasel Lasertech Comp 2

Baasel Laser Art SCU380U Power Supply Module For Laser Carl Baasel

Baasel laser technology MSP5 control board MicroSys Baasel lasertech COMP 2

Baasel laser technology SCU380U power supply module for laser Carl Baasel

Baasel laser technology W85261.S control board Baasel COMP2 Baasel laser AMIO R-SH

Baasel Lasertech 271186 Interface Module Baasel Lasertech BL791

Baasel Lasertech 271186 Interface Module BL791

Baasel Lasertech BL791 Interface Module P0791070B





  • 联系人: 小魏 女士
  • 话: 0591-62182535
  • 机: 18059111782
  • 真: 0591-62182535



  • 资质公示 福州卓凯电子科技有限公司 地址: 福建省 福州市 福建省福州市闽侯县甘蔗闽商财富中心1806室
  • 管理入口  技术支持:世铝网 长江有色
  • 福州卓凯