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2025年02月23日 星期天


  • IC693CPU340-G

  • 更新时间:2025-02-23
  • 联系方式

    18059111782  /  0591-62182535

    小魏 女士

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Ifm Capacitive Sensor KF5001 Module KFA3040BBPKG / Ni / US

Ifm Capacitive Sensor KI0024 KIE2015-FBOA / Ni 0 19/32in 20-250 V

Ifm Compact Auswerteeinheit DI6001 Compact Evaluation Unit DGA4012-WPKG/US

IFM DD0122

Ifm Efector 500 Frontbündiger Pressure Sensor PF7953 PF-025-REB34-QFPKG/US P

Ifm efector200 Photoelektischer Sensor 01D103 01DLF6KG Photoelectric Sensor

Ifm Electronic as Interface AC2001 Interface Module 4 Pnp without Lid

Ifm electronic Coupler ASI-RS 232 C-Koppler Coupler Interface AC1000 Unit

Ifm Electronic Number of Revolution Control DD 0001 Speed Monitoring D100 230VAC

Ifm Electronic Reflection Light Scanners OGT-1-2-DBOW Reflex System SUNX

Ifm electronic Safe Kontaktverlängerung E7053S Contact Extension 2-Kanäle

Ifm Flow-Keeper SI0550 Flow Monitor Sid10adbfpkg/Us-100 1 3/16-118 1/8in / S

Ifm Frontbündiger Pressure Sensor PI2959 PI-1-3-REB34-MFRKG/US P + Display

Ifm Inductive Analogsensor II5914 Analogue Sensor IIK4015A2PKG / Io / US

Ifm Inductive Sensor ID0016 ID-2050-ABOA/19 8/12ft 0 19/32-1 31/32in Nf 19 8

Ifm Inductive Sensor IG-2008-ABOA IG0006 0 5/16in Nf 20-250V 350mA

Ifm Interface ClassicLine45 4DI M12 IP67 as Interface Module AC2505 Unit

Ifm Interface ClassicLine45 4DI M12 IP67 as Interface Module Unit AC2505

Ifm Magnetisch-Induktiver Flow Sensor SM8000 Magnetic-Inductive Flow Meter

Ifm Optical Fiber Reflection Light Scanners E20124 Sensor FT-00-A-A-M6/6 7/

Ifm Pressure Sensor PN5022 PN-100-SBR14-HFPKG/US V With Display

Ifm Pressure Transmitter PT5415 PT-006-SEG14-A-ZVG/US W

IFM Reading Stylus DTA200 Integrated as-I Slave Profile 7.4 DTSLF MCRWASUS01

Ifm Reading Stylus DTA200 Read/Write Head DTS125 Mcrwasus With as-I Slave

Ifm Reflection Light Scanners efector200 OGH580 Sensor Ogh-Fpkg/US/ Cube

Ifm Reflection Light Scanners OT5201 Diffuse Sensor Oth-Cpkg Efector 200

Ifm Reflection Light Sensor 0A0201 0AH-FK0A/T Scanners Distanzsensor

Ifm Rfid-Auswerteeinheit Lf / HF Evaluation Unit DTE101 Dtelf / Hfabrwpnus00

Ifm VE1001 IP76

Ifm Zentralverteiler E10282 Splitter Box Asb 8/LED 5-4-331/5 P23 8-fach M12

IFSYS Control Unit FC1000 Feeder Controller FC 1000 for Vibrationsförderer

IGRF mbH Module CMV6.01 Electronic Module MV6-01 With Power Supply Platine

Ihne Tesch Düsenheizband 140x55 Heater 230V 1100W Heizband 62096272 3 4/12ft

IMA Sollwertvorgabe 0730211 Setpoint Setting for Frequency

Imaging Technology VP1500-AT Afg - 1K

Impac Electronic Gmbh Maximalwertspeicher 3 852 250

Impac Electronic Gmbh Maximalwertspeicher 3 852 260

IMT Manometer 1781 104 018 0-700 BAR R1/2 D 6 5/16in 0-5500 Kn Windsor

Imtech By Beckhoff 2 X Relay up To 230V AC/Dc FC2602 2A Switching Current

INA anti Friction Bearing Thrust Bearing 87411 Zylinderollenlager Ball Bearings

Indramat a. C. Servo Controller TDM 2.1-030-300-w1-000 AC Servo Mod 5/0X008-070

Indramat a. C. Servo Controller TDM1.3-050-300-W1-000 AC Mod 2/1X307-081 921100

Indramat a. C. Servo Power Supply TVM 2.4-050-220/300-W1/220/380

Indramat a.C.Servoansteuerung TDM 1.2-050-300-w1-000 Controller Module

Indramat a.C.Servoansteuerung TDM 1.2-050-300-w1-000/S100 Servo Controller

Indramat a.C.Servoansteuerung TDM 1.2-30-300-w1 Servo Controller Module

Indramat AC Servo Controller Compact DKS1.1-W100A-D By Bosch Rexroth Dsm Dlc Dea

Indramat AC Servo Controller DDS03.1-W030-D Digital a. C. Unit

Indramat AC Servo Controller DKS1.1-W030B-D DKS01.1-W030B-DG01-00 Dsm Dlc Dea

Indramat AC Servo Controller DLC02 109-0919-4A29-06 DLC1.1-DA1-03V16-MS AC73 IC2

Indramat AC Servo Controller TDM 1.2-050-300W1 Mod 2/1x276-100

Indramat Antriebregler FWA-DIAX02-DLA-03VRS-MS Drive Controller R911266449

Indramat Bleeder-Tbm Module Tbm 1.2-40-w1/220 a. C. Servo Module TBM1.2-40-W1

Indramat Bleeder-Tbm Module TBM 1.2-40-W1-024 a. C. Servo TBM1.2-40-W1-024

Indramat Card DLC1.1 Control Card 16021377 109-0919-4A29-02 Platine Unit

Indramat CLM Servoansteuerung CLM01.3-X-0-2-0-FW Controller Module 265387

Indramat Condensor TCM 1.1-08-W0 Capasitor-Tcm Fortuna 760848-011 a. C. Servo

Indramat Condensor TCM 1.1-08-W0 Capasitor-Tcm Fortuna Lid Damaged

Indramat Control Card 109-0785-4B19-04 DAE1 243555-16678 A11 Interface Card

Indramat Control Unit Isb 3.1 Interface Cta Zk 500 Operator Panel

Indramat Control Unit TDM 3.2-020-300-w0 Servo Controller R911224637 Zero Adj

Indramat Control Unit TDM 4.1-020-300-w0 Servo Controller Rexroth R911233714

Indramat Controller TDM1.2-100-300-W1-220 without Lid TDM1.2-100-300-W1/220

Indramat Digital A.C Servo Controller DDS02.1-A200-D A07-00 Control Unit

Indramat DKC01 1-040-7-FW

Indramat Fan LE5-220 224042 Blower Roll Fan Servolüfter Fan

Indramat Gmbh Servo Controller TDM 2.1-030-300-W1-000 a. C. Module

Indramat Kds 1.1-100-300-W1 + Indramat Mod 3/0x009-034

Indramat Kds 1.1-100-300-W1 + Indramat Mod 3/1X187-003

Indramat Kdv 1.3-100-220/300-220

Indramat Kdv 1.3-100-220/300-W1-220/380

Indramat Leitungsformer Nam 1.3-15 a. C. Servo Line Former 268890 Module

Indramat Leitungsformer Nam 1.3-15 a. C. Servo Lineformer 268890 Lightly Damaged

Indramat Memory Card PSM01.1-FW Ppc-R 280669 Sw 286062

Indramat Power Supply TVD 1.2-08-03 a. C. Servo R911246503

Indramat Power Supply Tvm 1.2-050-220/300-w0/220/380 TVM 1.2

Indramat Power Supply Tvm 2.54-050-220/300-w1/220/380 R911251872

Indramat SB 3 109-0586-3A01-02

Indramat Servo Controller 263426 Digital a. C. DDS2.1-W100-DG04-00

Indramat Servo Controller Dds 2.1-W050-D A.C R911247204+R911271678

Indramat Servo Controller Dds 2.1-W050-DA01-00 A.C R911247204

Indramat Servo Controller Dds 2.1-W100-D a. C. DDS2.1-W100-DA01-00

Indramat Servo Controller Dds 2.1-W100-D a. C. DDS2.1-W100-DG01-00

Indramat Servo Controller DDS 2.1-W100-D a. C. Dsm 2.1-A11-01.RS

Indramat Servo Controller DDS 2.1-W100-D Digital a. C. Pcu

Indramat Servo Controller Dds 2.1-W100-D Digital a. C. R911253377

Indramat Servo Controller Dds 2.1-W100-D Digital a. C. Servo Drive

Indramat Servo Controller DDS 3.1-W030-DA01-00 A.C R911857235





  • 联系人: 小魏 女士
  • 话: 0591-62182535
  • 机: 18059111782
  • 真: 0591-62182535



  • 资质公示 福州卓凯电子科技有限公司 地址: 福建省 福州市 福建省福州市闽侯县甘蔗闽商财富中心1806室
  • 管理入口  技术支持:世铝网 长江有色
  • 福州卓凯