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2025年02月14日 星期五


  • EMAE002003

  • 更新时间:2025-02-14
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    18059111782  /  0591-62182535

    小魏 女士

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AE Contact Pressure Gauge W112 Adjustment Range -1 Bar to + 9 Bar Shifts 220V 8A Unsed

AE Kontaktmanometer W112 Speed Range -1 BAR Up To +9 BAR Switching 220V 8A Unsed

AEG 029.059 290, 8309 Mektron M823 05-09-06-4-4, 8310 05-09-06-4-4

AEG 029.059 290, 8309 Mektron M823 05-09-06-4-4, 8310 Mektron M823 05-09-06-4-4

AEG 029.059 290, 8315 Mektron M823 05-09-06-4-3, 8310 05-09-06-4-4

AEG 029.059 290, 8315 Mektron M823 05-09-06-4-3, 8310 Mektron M823 05-09-06-4-4

AEG 029.089 671 150986 AEG 029.085 290 Boards For Frequency Converter

AEG 029.089 671 150986 AEG 029.085 290 Frequency Inverter Boards

AEG 029.121733, Microverter D 1.8/380  With Operating Instructions

AEG 1M400-75H Thyro-S AEG 763-725-440.11

AEG 3 4/12ft400-75H THYRO-S AEG 763-725-440.11

AEG 3DA 400-1000 Thyrosoft 763-724-68.00 Soft Starter Sanftanlaufstarter

AEG 3DA 400-1000 Thysoft 763-724-68.00 Softstarter Soft Start Starter

AEG 6051-042 203670.01 Control Board AEG Sea 020

AEG 6765346 AE02, AE2 6765341 13 9752, 92046932 Control Module

AEG ALU 130, AEG 236 017 CPU Dolog A, 6051-042.236017 Rev 13

AEG ALU 130, AEG 236 017 CPU Dolog A, 6051-042.236017 Rev 16

AEG ALU 151 6065-042.244724 Rev. 06 CPU 768kB

AEG Aluminium 130, AEG 236 017 CPU Dolog A, 6051-042.236017 Rev 13

AEG Aluminium 130, AEG 236 017 CPU Dolog A, 6051-042.236017 Rev 16

AEG Aluminium 151 6065-042.244724 Rev.06 CPU 768kB

AEG CP80-A200 Control Panel AEG Logistat Type A 206 (V) 7628-042.207143.14

AEG CP80-A200 Sportsback AEG Logis DID Type A 206(V) 7628-042.207143.14

AEG CP80-A310, 7628-042.20400.12, A310, Logis DID Type 12, 24VDC 30VA

AEG CP80-A310, AEG 7628-042.20400.12, AEG A310, AEG Logis DID

AEG CP80-A310, AEG 7628-042.20400.12, AEG A310, AEG Logistat

AEG CP80-A310, AEG 7628-042.20400.12, AEG A310, AEG Logistat Type 12, 24VDC 30VA

AEG CP80-A310, AEG 7628-042.20400.12, AEG Logis DID Type 12, 24VDC, 30VAE

AEG CP80-A310, AEG 7628-042.20400.12, AEG Logistat Type 12, 24VDC, 30VAE

AEG DEA-P1 7628-042.219781.07 Modicon Pos 220V ~50-60Hz

AEG DEA-P1 7628-042.219781.07 POS 220V~50-60Hz Modicon

AEG DEA-P1, AEG 7628-042.219781.05, Logis DID Pos

AEG DEA-P1, AEG 7628-042.219781.05, Logistat POS

AEG Logis DID A020/E/24 7628-200596.08 Sps Control Unit AEG Logistat A020

AEG Logis DID CP80-A310, AEG7628-042 20400.12

AEG Logistat A020/E/24 7628-200596.08 PLC Control AEG Logistat A020

AEG Logistat CP80-A310, AEG7628-042 20400.12

AEG Minisemi Board, 029 059 292

AEG Thyro-M 1M 400-75H Control Unit AEG 763-725-440.11 AEG Thyro-M 1A 400-60H

AEG Thyro-M 1M400-170H Control Unit AEG 763-725-44.14 AEG 763-725-000.11

AEG Thyro-M 1M400-75H Control Unit AEG 763-725-440.11 AEG 763-725-010.11

AEG THYRO-M 3 4/12ft 400-75 H Control Unit 763-725-440.11 1A 400-60

AEG THYRO-M 3 4/12ft400-170H Control Unit AEG 763-725-44.14 AEG 763-725-000.11

AEG THYRO-M 3 4/12ft400-75H Control Unit AEG 763-725-440.11 AEG

AEG THYRO-M 3 4/12ft400-75H Control Unit AEG 763-725-440.11 AEG 763-725-010.11

Agie 617.611.9 Intelligent Motor Controller Agie IMC02C

Agie 617.671.3 Intelligent Motor Controller Agie IMC03C

Agie 618.501.1 Control Panel Board Agie SUS-32D Agie 630403.4

Agie 618.501.1 Sportsback Platine Agie SUS-32D Agie 630403.4

Agie 618.521.9 Intelligent Motor Controller Agie IMC-05C

Agie 693.204.0 Board Control Panel Agie SBC-19A

Agie 693.204.0 Platine Sportsback Agie SBC-19A

Agie 693.214.9 Board Control Panel Agie SBC-20A

Agie 693.214.9 Platine Sportsback Agie SBC-20A

Agie ADC-11A Control Module Agie 616.110.3 Board Agie 629672.7

Agie ADC-11A Control Module Agie 616.110.3 Platine Agie 629672.7

Agie AUX-85A Control Board Agie 6245617 + Board Agie ADC15B Agie 6244412

Agie AUX-85A Control Board Agie 6245617+ Platine Agie ADC15B Agie 6244412

Agie DBE-01A Digital Bidirectional Expansi Agie 613.810.1 Agie 625854.5 Board

Agie DBE-01A Digital Bidirectional Expansi Agie 613.810.1 Platine Agie 625854.5

Agie DBE-09A Digital Bidirectional Expansion Agie 617.530.1 Board Agie625854.5

Agie DBE-09A Digital Bidirectional Expansion Agie 617.530.1 Platine Agie625854.5

Agie DMC-02A Digital Motor Controller Agie 616.270.5 Board Agie 626074.9

Agie DMC-02A Digital Motor Controller Agie 616.270.5 Platine Agie 626074.9

Agie DMD-22A Direct Current Control Board Agie 624.381.0 679404.4/00

Agie DMD-22A Direct Current Control Board Agie 624.381.0 Board Agie 679404.4/00

Agie DTR-28 Power Agiepilot 387384.1 + Agie DTR-28 Sensor Agiepilot 387374.2

Agie DTR-28 Power Supply Agiepilot 387384.1+ Sensor Agiepilot 387374.2

Agie DWC-06A Module Digital Wire Control Agie 690.734.9 Board Agie 679474.7/00

Agie DWC-06A Module Digital Wire Control Agie 690.734.9 Platine Agie 679474.7/00

Agie EDS-02B Control Module Encoder Decoder Scanner Agie 614,000.8 Agie 629652.9

Agie EJG8009A Control Panel Power Supply + 5V 2A /-9V 100mA Agie 615182.3

Agie EJG8009A Control Power Supply+5V 2A 9V 100mA Agie 615182.3

Agie HPS 12A Control Train Power Module Agie 681.864.5

Agie HPS 12A Steuerug Power Module Agie 681.864.5

Agie KCB-0.2oz Control Module Platine Agie 618.551.6 Agie 646594.2

Agie KCB-05G Control Module Board Agie 618.551.6 Agie 646594.2

Agie LPS-0.7oz Control Power Board Agie 617.914.0 Agie 645914.3

Agie LPS-17A Control Module Power Supply Agie 617.421.3 Agie 631734.1

Agie LPS-20G Control Panel Power Board Agie 617.914.0 Agie 645914.3

Agie MJG0516B Control Board Erodiermaschine Agie 614510

Agie MJG0516B Control Board Eroding Machine Agie 614510

Agie MJG1028D Control Board Erodiermaschine

Agie MJG1032B Control Interface CPA Platine Agie 620482.0

Agie MJG1032B Control Panel Interface CPA Board Agie 620482.0

Agie MJG1043A Control Panel Robomatic + Erosion Time Board Agie 629964.8

Agie MJG1043A Sportsback Robomatic + Erosion Time Platine Agie 629964.8

Agie MJG3408A Control Panel Analog Motor Supply Agie 620652.8





  • 联系人: 小魏 女士
  • 话: 0591-62182535
  • 机: 18059111782
  • 真: 0591-62182535



  • 资质公示 福州卓凯电子科技有限公司 地址: 福建省 福州市 福建省福州市闽侯县甘蔗闽商财富中心1806室
  • 管理入口  技术支持:世铝网 长江有色
  • 福州卓凯